Wednesday, November 22, 2006

RSS: A Deeper Shift in Consciousness

Low self-esteem is one of the more prevalent of the social maladies. Next to money, low self-esteem has been targeted as the root of all evils. Therapists around the world are being paid big bucks and working long hours to change people’s ideas of themselves.

Among those of us who consider ourselves at least moderately well-adjusted, self-esteem issues can still be an unseen force and they can manifest in the oddest places.

In my case, it was such a little thing, so little it went unnoticed. I was using email subscription services to keep up with my favorite blogs.

One of those favorites is Chris Cree’s SuccessCREEations. His post last Saturday was Business Blogging 101 - RSS and Feeds . I thought the information was going to be something for future reference until it occurred to me how pertinent it is to my work today.

Halfway through the article, I still had the mindset that he was talking to the “other guys”. Gradually, though, Chris began to speak to me. I’m one of those other guys, too.

See, even though the “less than” thought wasn’t there consciously, on some level there lurked the idea that "they" had made it and "I" was still waiting in the wings. Evidently, the “less than” thought was in there somewhere.

Over the past several days, the switch from email subscriptions to RSS has been made and it was time well spent.

On the practical side, the many of my favorite blogs are now in one handy place. From one screen, I can check on comments, re-read a post, see new articles as they’re published.

On the spiritual side (which is practical, if you ask me, but we won’t go into that now), the shift to greater self-worth has been deepened.

Isn’t it amazing what technology can do?


Anonymous said...

Hey Carolyn! Welcome to the feed reading world! I'm curious which reader you chose and why you chose it?

Carolyn Manning said...

Thanks Chris, it's good to be here. I'm using NetVibes. My only other comparison was Google; didn't care for it.


Anonymous said...

I've heard some really good things about Netvibes. I might just check it out and give it a test drive!

Carolyn Manning said...

I really like it, Chris. The screens are set by the user, so navigation problems are non-existent. Plus, it's free. Like I said, though, I didn't do a lot of shopping.
